Public Restroom Capacity

Assessing options for adding public restrooms in Point Reyes Station.


Point Reyes Station in West Marin is a popular tourist destination. During much of the year, use of public restrooms can exceed capacity. The County owns a 1.8 acre parcel (Mesa Lot) in Point Reyes Station between Toby’s Playground and the old Coast Guard Station, which has been selected for an assessment of the site’s capacity to provide additional public restrooms. This project intends to assess public restrooms needs, including wastewater demand and wastewater treatment. 


Third Community Meeting

A community meeting took place via Zoom on Wednesday, June 12, at 6:00 p.m.

Marin County Parks and Sherwood Design Engineers shared updates and discussed the next phase of the project. Community members provided feedback on design alternatives. Community members are also invited to take part in a design option survey by July 3. 

In January 2024, the county Board of Supervisors approved an agreement with Sherwood Design Engineers to: develop 30% design drawings. A feasibility study was completed in 2023 based on community feedback. 


Radio Show Discussion and Community Survey

Parks Senior Open Space Planner Craig Richardson spoke live on KWMR - West Marin Community Radio on January 26. He discussed public restroom needs in downtown Point Reyes, wastewater treatment options, and opportunities for community feedback. Community conversations are informing wastewater treatment options for the public restrooms in Point Reyes Station. An online community survey was available from January 26 to February 17.


Board Moves Forward with Design Drawings

The Marin County Board of Supervisors approved an agreement with Sherwood Design Engineers to develop 30% design drawings for expanding capacity to the existing public restrooms at Toby's Playground and construct additional wastewater treatment capacity at the Mesa lot.


Radio Show Discussion and Community Survey

Parks Senior Open Space Planner Craig Richardson spoke live on KWMR - West Marin Community Radio on January 26. He discussed public restroom needs in downtown Point Reyes, wastewater treatment options, and opportunities for community feedback. Community conversations are informing wastewater treatment options for the public restrooms in Point Reyes Station. An online community survey was available from January 26 to February 17.


Second Community Meeting

Marin County Parks and Sherwood Design Engineers hosted a second online community meeting about the feasibility study. This study assesses wastewater treatment, and other strategies to address public restroom needs and parking at the Mesa Road lot. The meeting took place via Zoom on Wednesday, January 18 at 6:00 p.m. The project team shared progress, including case studies, an alternatives analysis for the Mesa Lot, and the status of the B Street Lot study. Community members were invited to ask questions and provide feedback. 


First Community Meeting

Marin County Parks and Sherwood Design Engineers hosted an online community meeting about the feasibility study underway to assess wastewater treatment and other strategies to address public restroom needs and parking at the Mesa Road lot and to discuss opportunities for the recently acquired B Street lot in Point Reyes Station. The community was invited to meet the project team, learn about the study’s goals and approach, ask questions, and provide feedback.