Hal Brown Bridge Replacement

A new footbridge, boardwalk, and path for flood protection, habitat restoration, and visitor access.


  • Address localized flooding and the impact of sea level rise
  • Improve visitor access and safety
  • Tidal habitat restoration


  • Aging structures safely removed.
  • New corten steel bridge installed.
  • New elevated wooden boardwalk and asphalt installed.


  • 2018–2021: Design
  • 2021–2022: Permitting process
  • Spring 2024:Construction bidding
  • September 2024–January 2025: Construction
  • Winter 2025: Bridge opens to the neighborhood


This project required permits and approvals by the following agencies:

  • United States Army Corps of Engineers
  • California Department of Fish and Wildlife
  • San Francisco Bay Regional Water Quality Control Board
  • San Francisco Bay Conservation and Development