Regular Public Meeting
Saturday, March 11, 2017, 10:00 a.m.
Stinson Beach Community Center, 32 Belvedere Ave, Stinson Beach, CA 94970
The Marin County Board of Supervisors encourages a respectful dialogue that supports freedom of speech and values diversity of opinion. Advisory Board members, staff and the public are expected to be polite and courteous, and refrain from questioning the character or motives of others. Please help create an atmosphere of respect by not booing, whistling or clapping; by adhering to speaking time limits; and by silencing your cell phone.
- Call to Order
- Public Comment
Open time for public expression, up to three minutes per speaker, on items not on today’s agenda. The Advisory Board will hear items without return comment or discussion. Testimony regarding matters not on the agenda will not be considered part of the administrative record.
- Approve Minutes for the Regular Meeting Held Saturday, October 22, 2016 (Action Item)
Recommendation: Approve
- Update on CSA 33 Activities and Park Department Activities (Information Item)
Park staff will update Advisory Board members on the status of current fiscal year projects, maintenance activities, and other department information of interest to Board members.
- Village Green Facilities (Action Item)
Board members and Park staff will review progress of work on specific Village Green park facilities:
- New restroom screen and portable
- Decomposed granite walkway surfacing
- Ping pong table 'separation' and options for repair
- Location map display for park information
- Swing at children's play area
- "On-Call" garbage service?
- Other items?
Recommended action: Approve recommendations per board discussion.
- Fiscal Year 2016-2017 Budget and Fiscal Year 2017-2018 Budget Updates (Action Item)
Park staff will present an update on funding information as related to CSA 33. Advisory Board members will consider changes to the budgets and projects.
Recommendation: Approve budget changes per Board discussion
- Proposal for Art Event at Village Green Park (Action Item)
Subcommittee update on Ms. Claudia Chapline proposal for an annual art and crafts fair in Village Green 1 or 2. The purpose is to showcase local artists and artisans on one weekend day in May, June or July of 2017. Board members will consider recommending this event for approval by the Parks Department.
Recommended action: Approve recommendations per board discussion
- Advisory Board Member Comments (Information Item)
Advisory Board members may speak about items of interest to the council that do not appear on the agenda. No discussion or action can take place on items mentioned during this time.
Next Regular Meeting: October 14, 2017
ARTICLE V: Meetings
CSA 33 shall hold meetings twice a year, generally during the second week of March and October. All meetings shall be properly noticed and time shall be provided for public comment at each meeting.